Αποκαλύφθηκε το παιχνίδι της Respawn Entertainment
Οι δημιουργοί του Call of Duty, τρία χρόνια μετά την πολυσυζητημένη αποχώρηση από την Activision, επιστρέφουν με το νέο τους παιχνίδι, το TitanFall! Το παιχνίδι αποκαλύφθηκε από το περιοδικό Game Informer, και οι πρώτες πληροφορίες ήδη έχουν βρει το φως της δημοσιότητας.
Το TitanFall θα κυκλοφορήσει αποκλειστικά για Xbox 360 και Xbox One, όσον αφορά τις κονσόλες, ενώ αναπτύσσεται και για PC. Την ανάπτυξη της έκδοσης του Xbox 360 την έχει αναλάβει τρίτη εταιρία, της οποίας το όνομα δεν έχει γίνει γνωστό. Παράλληλα, είναι το πρώτο παιχνίδι που γνωρίζουμε ότι θα χρησιμοποιεί τις cloud δυνατότητες του Xbox One για physics και AI χαρακτήρων. Περισσότερα στην συνέντευξη τύπου της Microsoft και της EA την ερχόμενη Δευτέρα, τις οποίες και θα παρακολουθήσετε ζωντανά από το xgamers.gr, εδώ!
– Out Spring 2014
– Full-fledged multiplayer FPS game
– Next-gen competitive multiplayer title
– Set in a future where humanity is split between its human civilization on Earth and a series of settlements in space
– Travelers need to go through a difficult journey to reach the colonies
– Settlers maintain self-sustaining cities on other planets
– Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation is making inroads to secure the valuable natural resources of those regions
– Battle lines drawn between those who wish to protect the settlements and the unsympathetic capitalist juggernaut
– Campaign multiplayer only uses the genesis of this skirmish as a backdrop for multiplayer battles
– Shown both perspectives of the conflict rather than choosing sides
– Respawn wants to sell gamers the universe as opposed to telling an involving story
– Respawn is embracing the visual storyteling approach of titles such as Left 4 Dead
– Players given subtle clues about the conflict, such as eviction notices on doors, flooded apartments with children’s drawings taped to the refrigerator, etc.
– Unnamed studio working on the Xbox 360 version
– Everything has its advantages in disadvantages in Titanfall
– The titans are different from the prototypical mech
– May get a different stylized embark animation based on how you approach the titan
– Ex: slide between a titan’s legs and it uses its hand to scoop you into the cockpit
– Titans can use powerful weapons
– Arc cannon: chain-lightning gun that can be charged for more damage
– Damage can extend to multiple threats when enemies are grouped together
– Each titan has specialized weaponry, such as a 40mm explosive weapon and/or a rocket launcher
– Vortex ability: press the button at the right time to collect bullets and rockets and throw them back at an enemy that you choose
– Holding the vortex too long will make you miss the target
– Can tell the titan to guard your current area or follow you around with a d-pad command
– Titans usually don’t kill nearby enemies and score points for you automatically in follow mode
– Eject boost ability can be used to catapult yourself into the air to reach higher perches for sniping as a pilot
– Other pilots can jump on the back of your titan to fight from a new vantage point
– Doomed state: occurs when a titan is badly damaged
– Can either eject and continue on foot or try to continue
– When in doomed state, other titans can rip you from the cockpit and kill you
– Pilots are the jack-of-all-trades
– Pilots capture control points, defend high value targets, are involved with fetch-and-grab missions, and more
– Pilots don’t have size, but they’re agile
– They can wall-run, and jump kits let them perform multiple jumps at once and prevent them from ever taking falling damage
– Hit-and-fade tactics for pilots
– Pilots also have a short-lived cloaking ability, allowing them to move across wide-open expanses safely
– All pilots come with several weapons
– Smart pistol: noob-friendly weapon that can lock onto multiple targets and fires with one trigger pull
– This gun can’t lock onto titans
– Assault rifle, anti-titan rocket launcher, data knife are also equipped
– Data knife can reprogram computer-controlled characters to fight for you
– Big plans for the progression system
– Playable female characters
– SmartGlass integration
– Some Kinect support
– Traditional multiplayer mode included
– One-player mode included, but Respawn not talking about this yet
– Game was originally targeted for current-gen hardware
– Team started to think that the current-gen console infrastructure wouldn’t allow for all of their ideas
– Only 80 devs on the project
– Focusing on one new console to avoid too many time-sucking dead ends
– Not ruling out other platforms in the future
– At least 12 titans in the multiplayer arena with AI characters
– Xbox One processing power mostly used for the art team, which can make more unique textures
– Respawn will use Xbox One’s cloud servers for dedicated servers and using them to handle all physics calculations and AI for non-playable characters