Sony PS3

Αυτά είναι τα trophies του Metal Gear Solid 4!

Αύριο κυκλοφορεί το patch για το Metal Gear Solid 4, το οποίο προσθέτει υποστήριξη trophies, ενώ ταυτόχρονα δίνει τη δυνατότητα να κάνετε full install το παιχνίδι στον σκληρό σας δίσκο για μείωση των loading times. Ακολουθούν τα trophies:

You enjoy all the killing, that’s why. (Βronze)
Killed many enemies in one area, and vomited.

Divine Wind (Bronze)
Caused a “divine wind” using the Tanegashima.

Hands Up! (Bronze)
Held an enemy soldier at gunpoint and performed a body check.

Emotion Control (Bronze)
Controlled an enemy soldier’s emotions using an Emotive Magazine.

Hurt me more! (Bronze)
Shocked an enemy soldier using Mk. II/III.

Drum Can Addict (Bronze)
Knocked an enemy soldier flying using a Drum Can.

That Tune Is His Mind Control Music (Bronze)
Played Oishii Two-han Seikatsu and made one of the BB Corps dance.

Overhead view — just like old times… (Bronze)
Used overhead view on Shadow Moses Island.

SUNLIGHT! (Silver)
Obtained the Solar Gun.

I Just Don’t Fear Death (Silver)
Caused ALERT status while wearing the Corpse Camo.

Where I Can See Ya (Silver)
Located enemy soldiers using the Scanning Plug.

Ghost Photography Addict (Silver)
Snapped at least 5 shots of ghosts on Shadow Moses Island.

FaceCamo Addict (Silver)
Obtained 10 or more types of FaceCamo (excluding types obtained via password).

Can you feel my power now!!!? (Silver)
Took control of an enemy soldier’s body using the Mantis Doll or Sorrow Doll.

Are you an Otaku too? (Silver)
Viewed all model posters.

You’re pretty good. (Silver)
Got kissed by Ocelot during the final battle.

Flashback Mania (Gold)
Viewed all flashbacks.

Sounds of the Battlefield (Gold)
Obtained all iPod® tracks (excluding tracks obtained via password).

I am THE expert on weapons, equipment and cutting-edge technology. (Gold)
Obtained all weapons (excluding weapons obtained via password).

The Legendary Hero (Platinum)
Obtained all trophies.

Νίκος Μπούγας

Γεια σας! Ονομάζομαι Νίκος Μπούγας, γνωστός εδώ μέσα σαν Scof. Είμαι ο εμπνευστής και δημιουργός του XGamers και γενικά αυτός που βάζει την τάξη στα ρεμάλια που θέλουν να αποκαλούνται συντάκτες.. Στον ελεύθερό μου χρόνο πίνω τζιν τονικ.